Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how you have kept Cameron busy!!!

We made these Christmas trees during Stay and Play at school on Tuesday but Cameron wanted to add more ornaments on today. He really likes the licky/sticky paper that they use in zoo class and we finally bought some. I just need to think of things to do with them besides Cameron just licking them and licking them and licking them!!
What I did was cut out 3 pieces: one triangle and two trapezoids. I could have just traced them and had the kids cut them out but I knew we wouldn't have time. I might have Cameron make another one of them and have him cut it out this time. The kids had to figure out how to put them from big to little to make a tree. They glued them on the red paper; this took a lot of glue!!! They had to color their star yellow and glue that on the top. After that, they got to glue ornaments and put stickers on their tree. I cut out circles and squares for the ornaments. I could also have let them cut out their own ornaments. Hmm, maybe the next one I do. This was a huge gluing project which some kids loved and others didn't like getting glue on their fingers.

I LOVE how Cameron's turned out. It was totally made by him. I like letting the kids make their project how they want and never try to fix it. Sometimes, I really have to bite my tongue because I would like it to be perfect but then I remember it is perfect to him! (: Sorry the pictures are sideways! I haven't the time right now to figure out how to fix that! I'm sure it's something easy but I just need those couple minutes to figure it out!! Some day, some day!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas playdough

We made Christmas playdough today! We used Christmas green food coloring from Wilson's and it turned out a beautiful green! My green always turns out such a light green when I use regular food coloring. I LOVE IT! We are going to start using Wilson's when we make playdough from now on. This was one of our things we did for advent. I made 24 stockings and put a little tag in each with something fun to do each day! I will try to post tomorrow and show you what they look like.